Superb 19th c. Basket (SOLD)
A superb 19th c. swing handled basket in original red paint.
The body consists of a slightly bulbous form at its base and finished at the top with a double coiled rim. Two ovular handle rings are constructed of ash wood and woven into the body with elongated stems for added security. An applied handle made of shaped ash wood is applied via pierced paddle ends and retains beautiful kerf marks.
Originally created with structural integrity in foresight. The base being domed for weight distribution when in use, a double coil reinforcing the rim, and a generously tall handle establishes characteristics of quality while also ensuring survival.
Remains in a remarkably well state of preservation, being free from defects, and exhibits an extremely desirable painted surface with elemental history and a beautiful glow. One of the finest baskets we have handled to date for form, paint history, condition, aesthetics, and size, meeting all requirements of categorization of elite surviving basketry. A best of kind.
New England origin. Ca. 1890. 11"OAH x 9"W.